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Opioid Use Disorder in Dental Patients: The Latest on How to Identify, Treat, Refer and Apply Laws and Regulations in Your Practice
Bryan NackDMD,
Steven E. HaasDMD, JD, MBA, and
Jason PortnofDMD, MD, FACS
Article Category: Research Article
Volume/Issue: Volume 64: Issue 3
Online Publication Date: Jan 01, 2017
DOI: 10.2344/anpr-64-03-09
Page Range: 178 – 187

, and Roxicet. The most commonly misused drugs in the United States are listed in Table 1 . Table 1 Most Commonly Used Drugs for Nonmedical Purposes 1,15 PAIN, ADDICTION, AND OPIOID USE DISORDER The International Association for the Study of Pain 11 defines pain as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage.” Besides biologic causes of dental pain (such as a neglected tooth infection), anxiety

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Article Category: Research Article
Volume/Issue: Volume 64: Issue 4
Online Publication Date: Jan 01, 2017
Page Range: 267 – 267

Addiction, 178 Adhesive patch, 73 Adrenaline, 165 Airway, 168 Airway management, 153 Ala of nose, 104 Allergic disease, 173 Alpha amylase, 22 Analgesic, 178 Adrenergic, 253 Anesthesia, 33 Anesthetic management, 244 Antidepressants, 253 Antidiabetic medication, 39 Arrhythmia, 165 Articaine, 80, 203 Atrioventricular node, 165 Belching, 244 Benzocaine, 73 Blood loss, 3

Dr Earle R. YoungBSc, DDS, BScD, MSc, FADSA
Article Category: Book Review
Volume/Issue: Volume 52: Issue 1
Online Publication Date: Mar 01, 2005
Page Range: 42 – 43

-glucuronide receptor, that appears separate from the more commonly known μ, κ, and δ receptors. In addition, opioid analgesic tolerance has been described as involving secondary messenger systems in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord such as cholecystokinin and protein kinase C, which can change the state of the opioid receptor. Several chapters cover the addiction that may happen when these opioid drugs are used in pain management. Once again, repeated emphasis is placed on both preemptive analgesia and the rapid treatment of acute pain before the condition becomes

Steven GanzbergDMD, MS
Article Category: Research Article
Volume/Issue: Volume 57: Issue 3
Online Publication Date: Jan 01, 2010
Page Range: 114 – 119

some states. Continued prescribing should be tied to increased activity and productivity levels, as well as other documentation of efficacy. The support of a pain psychologist to further evaluate mental health and improvement in function is very desirable. Laboratory testing to identify diversion and use of illicit substances should be considered at regular, unscheduled intervals. Addiction is not thought to be a frequent concern in the chronic pain population but can occur. 12 As the definition of addiction implies continued use despite harm, and the chronic pain

Daniel E. BeckerDDS and
James C. PheroDMD
Article Category: Other
Volume/Issue: Volume 52: Issue 4
Online Publication Date: Jan 01, 2005
Page Range: 140 – 149

considering the use of the newer high-dose, sustained-release opioids, because these are designed more specifically for opioid-tolerant patients. THERAPEUTIC USE OF OPIOIDS Patients and practitioners are often concerned with the potential for addiction, which may limit prescribing and use, leading to inadequate management of pain. 14 , 15 This can be attributed to confusion regarding the concepts of ‘‘drug dependence’’ and ‘‘drug addiction.’’ Patients consuming opioids regularly for more than a week may develop some degree of dependence. This

Michael C. MoranDDS, MSD,
Lisa J. HeatonPhD,
Brian G. LerouxPhD, and
Natasha M. FlakeDDS, PhD, MSD
Article Category: Research Article
Volume/Issue: Volume 69: Issue 4
Online Publication Date: Dec 19, 2022
Page Range: 15 – 21

Abuse. Accessed May 3, 2021. . 9.  Bashford J, Flett R, Copeland J. The Cannabis Use Problems Identification Test (CUPIT): development, reliability, concurrent and predictive validity among adolescents and adults . Addiction . 2010 ; 105

Norika KatagiriDDS,
Ryutaro SakaiDDS,
Takashi IzutsuDDS, PhD,
Hiromasa KawanaDDS, PhD,
Shigekazu SuginoMD, PhD, and
Kanta KidoDDS, PhD
Article Category: Case Report
Volume/Issue: Volume 67: Issue 3
Online Publication Date: Sep 29, 2020
Page Range: 158 – 163

overdose may cause acute liver failure, the use of acetaminophen as the baseline analgesic was avoided in the early postoperative period and it was used as rescue analgesia instead. Opioids are frequently used to treat acute postoperative pain. However, there are several drawbacks concerning the use of these drugs in patients with IBD, including side effects and the potential for abuse or addiction with short- and long-term use. 19 , 20 Opioid-related side effects, including ileus (leading to nausea, vomiting, and constipation), fulminant colitis, toxic

Daniel E. BeckerDDS
Article Category: Research Article
Volume/Issue: Volume 57: Issue 2
Online Publication Date: Jan 01, 2010
Page Range: 67 – 79

an opioid receptor, and dysphoria is credited as a kappa receptor phenomenon. 32 Dependence, Tolerance, and Addiction Fear of dependence and addiction often results in underprescribing of opioids for severe acute, chronic, and even terminal pain. This unfortunate practice is due to poor understanding of dependence, tolerance, and addiction. Dependence occurs when the body accommodates to the influences of a drug and, upon sudden discontinuation, the patient experiences a withdrawal syndrome that generally includes

Daniel E. BeckerDDS
Article Category: Other
Volume/Issue: Volume 61: Issue 1
Online Publication Date: Jan 01, 2014
Page Range: 26 – 34

Fear of dependence and addiction often results in underprescribing of opioids for severe acute, chronic, and even terminal pain. This unfortunate practice is due to poor understanding of these terms. Dependence occurs when the body accommodates to the influences of a drug and, upon sudden discontinuation, the patient experiences a withdrawal syndrome that generally includes reactions opposite those produced by the particular drug. For example, opioids produce sedation, lethargy, and constipation. A patient experiencing opioid withdrawal becomes excited, and

Robert J. MillerDO and
Mark A. GerhardtMD, PhD
Article Category: Other
Volume/Issue: Volume 53: Issue 1
Online Publication Date: Jan 01, 2006
Page Range: 13 – 16

are known to produce life-threatening angioedema of the upper airway structures when administered to patients with C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency. Individuals with alcohol addictions can develop angioedema by mechanisms that are not yet elucidated. Recreational drug use when self-administered via inhalation of hot gases can result in thermal trauma that can be isolated to the uvula. Uvula edema has been well documented after marijuana use. 3 Virtually any allergic reaction can result in angioedema and must be included in our differential diagnosis. Angioedema