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Figure 4.  ; Electromyography recording at rest, 2 minutes, 5 minutes and 15 minutes. Sample of electromyography recording of 250 ms.
Carlos Cobo-Vázquez,
Gemma De Blas,
Pablo García-Canas, and
María del Carmen Gasco-García,
<bold>Figure 4. </bold>
Figure 4. 

Electromyography recording at rest, 2 minutes, 5 minutes and 15 minutes. Sample of electromyography recording of 250 ms.

Electrophysiology of Muscle Fatigue in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation on Manikin Model
Carlos Cobo-VázquezDDS, MS,
Gemma De BlasMD, PhD,
Pablo García-CanasDDS, MsC, and
María del Carmen Gasco-García,MD, PhD
Article Category: Research Article
Volume/Issue: Volume 65: Issue 1
Online Publication Date: Jan 01, 2018
DOI: 10.2344/anpr-65-01-06
Page Range: 30 – 37

Exertion, concluding that there is a close relationship between subjective and objective assessment of muscular fatigue. Most studies record the depth and rate of compressions to study the activity of high spinal and lumbar muscles, associating lowering effectiveness of compressions with rescuers' muscle fatigue. 3 , 9 – 20 However, there are no studies that determine muscle fatigue during CPR techniques using electromyography while the technique is performed on the manikin. Electromyography determines the fatigue associated with muscular work. This system has

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Carlos Cobo-Vázquez,
Gemma De Blas,
Pablo García-Canas, and
María del Carmen Gasco-García,
<bold>Figure 1</bold>
Figure 1

Position of electrodes.

Carlos Cobo-Vázquez,
Gemma De Blas,
Pablo García-Canas, and
María del Carmen Gasco-García,
<bold>Figure 2. </bold>
Figure 2. 

Muscular activity of high spinal muscles. The muscular activity at rest is near zero for both sides. At 2 minutes the muscular activity increases to 50–60 μV/ms but with a high standard deviation. At 5 minutes the activity decreases to below the maximum potential activity of high spinal muscles. At 15 minutes the muscular activity is about 30 μV/ms.

Carlos Cobo-Vázquez,
Gemma De Blas,
Pablo García-Canas, and
María del Carmen Gasco-García,
<bold>Figure 3. </bold>
Figure 3. 

Muscular activity of fifth lumbar muscles. The muscular activity at rest is near zero for both sides. At 2 minutes the muscular activity increases to near 50 μV/ms. At 5 minutes the activity is about 40 μV/ms. At 15 minutes the muscular activity decreases to below the maximum potential activity of fifth lumbar.

Keiko Fujii-AbeDDS, PhD,
Maho IkedaDDS,
Manami YajimaDDS, PhD, and
Hiroshi KawaharaDDS, PhD
Article Category: Brief Report
Volume/Issue: Volume 70: Issue 4
Online Publication Date: Jan 15, 2024
Page Range: 191 – 193

: 185 – 186 . 3. Close LG, Merkel M, Watson B, Schaefer SD. Cricoarytenoid subluxation, computed tomography, and electromyography findings . Head Neck Surg . 1987 ; 9 (4) : 341 – 348 . 4

Milad KaramlouDDS,
Iman AsariaDDS,
Jaime BarronDDS,
Petra BoutrosDMD,
Vincent FisherDDS,
Rachel GrandinettiDMD,
Julian JohnsonDMD,
Emily RichardDMD,
David SuskoDMD,
Cristobal UrrutiaDDS,
Bryce WoolseyDDS,
Ronald BaumannDDS,
James CottleDDS,
Richard SweaneyDDS,
Mark WenzelDDS,
John NussteinDDS, MS, and
David HallDDS
Article Category: Case Report
Volume/Issue: Volume 69: Issue 4
Online Publication Date: Dec 19, 2022
Page Range: 26 – 31

frequent falls as a teenager but never experienced choking, difficulty swallowing, or voice changes. Despite the negative family history, the patient's mother was noted to have some degree of hidden frontal balding and temporal wasting that possibly indicated she also had some degree of DM. Further evaluation by neurology via electromyography showed myotonic discharges and short-duration motor unit action potentials with early recruitment. These findings were all indicative of DM, supporting neurology's presumptive diagnosis. Electromyography testing also showed

David L. HallDDS,
Ehsan RezvanDDS,
Dimitris N. TatakisDDS, PhD, and
John D. WaltersDDS, MS
Article Category: Research Article
Volume/Issue: Volume 53: Issue 2
Online Publication Date: Jan 01, 2006
Page Range: 34 – 42

electromyography (EMG), 30-Second Blink Count (Blink), Digit Symbol Substitution Test (DSST), and Spielberger State Anxiety Inventory Scores (SAI) were recorded. The DSST asks subjects to decode, digit-associate, and write as many simple geometric symbols as possible within 90 seconds. The DSST was initially administered 2–4 times to minimize learning effects, and the final score was recorded. The SAI is a 20-question inventory with responses rated on a 1 to 4 scale. SAI scores range from 20 (low anxiety state) to 80 (high anxiety state). Subjects were also shown a photograph of

Tiffany Hoang and
Regina A. E. DowdyDDS
Article Category: Other
Volume/Issue: Volume 71: Issue 1
Online Publication Date: May 03, 2024
Page Range: 44 – 52

include muscle biopsy and electromyography, which reveal only nonspecific myopathic features, such as myofiber necrosis and endomysial fibrosis. 5 , 6 From these tests, the serum CK level is usually only slightly elevated, suggesting muscle damage or degeneration and distinguishing its diagnosis from other X-linked recessive muscular dystrophies. 5 , 6 Since isolated cardiac involvement may be seen in patients with EDMD, a 12-lead ECG should be performed on these patients at regular intervals. 6 In the first few years of life, patients with EDMD show muscle weakness