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Local Anesthetic Usage Among Dentists: German and International Data
Frank HallingMD, DMD, PhD,
Andreas NeffMD, DMD, PhD, and
Thomas ZiebartMD, DMD, PhD
Article Category: Research Article
Volume/Issue: Volume 68: Issue 1
Online Publication Date: Apr 07, 2021
DOI: 10.2344/anpr-67-03-12
Page Range: 19 – 25

practitioners in Germany over a period of 7 years and compare these data with available international data. METHODS The German data for this study was obtained from the Deutscher Dentalmarktbericht (DDM), which is published twice a year by Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung (Nuremberg, Germany), the largest German market research company. The DDM is a projected sales report based on a sample of 770 dentists, 60 orthodontists, 50 oral surgeons, and 40 maxillofacial surgeons. The data are based on membership statistics of the regional chambers of

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Figure 1.  ; Market shares of the different dental local anesthetics in Germany (2011–2017).
Frank Halling,
Andreas Neff, and
Thomas Ziebart
<bold>Figure 1. </bold>
Figure 1. 

Market shares of the different dental local anesthetics in Germany (2011–2017).

Frank Halling,
Andreas Neff, and
Thomas Ziebart
<bold>Figure 2. </bold>
Figure 2. 

Market shares of the different vasoconstrictors in Germany (2011–2017).

Frank Halling,
Andreas Neff, and
Thomas Ziebart
<bold>Figure 3. </bold>
Figure 3. 

Reported usage/market shares of the different dental local anesthetics in international studies.

Frank Halling,
Andreas Neff, and
Thomas Ziebart
<bold>Figure 4. </bold>
Figure 4. 

Reported usage/market shares of the different vasoconstrictors in international studies.

Figure 6.
Figure 6.

Chromatogram of radioactive metabolites derived from 14C-lidocaine in (A) the maxillary tissue and (B) the serum.

Two percent 14C-lidocaine with (▪) and without (□) 10 µg/ml adrenaline was injected into the right palatal mucosa proximal to the first molar. Radioactive substances, which were extracted from the maxillary tissue (palatal mucosa and maxillary part) and the serum taken 60 min after the injection, were separated by thin layer chromatography (TLC). The TLC plate was Silicagel 60F254® (Merck, Germany). The area between the lower end of the plate and the solvent front was divided into nine zones. A spot of lidocaine on the plate was confirmed with UV lamp (253.7 nm). Authentic lidocaine was detected in zone No. 4. Lidocaine or the metabolite in each silica gel zone was scratched from the plate and 14C radioactivity in the zone was measured with the liquid scintillation counter. The radioactivity in each zone as a percentage of the total radioactivity on the TLC plate was calculated. (A) More than 70% of the total radioactivity in the tissue existed in the original lidocaine zone (No. 4) in either case. (B) More than 70% of the total radioactivity in the serum existed in the original lidocaine zone in either case.

Data are mean ± SD (n  =  4).

Figure 5.
Figure 5.

Chromatogram of radioactive metabolites derived from 3H-ropivacaine in the (A) liver, (B) serum, and (C) urine.

Radioactive substances which were extracted from the liver, serum, and urine at 1 hr (□) or 24 hr (▪) after injection with 0.5% 3H-ropivacaine into the right palatal mucosa proximal to the first molar, were separated by thin layer chromatography (TLC). The TLC plate was Silicagel 60F254® (Merck, Germany). The area from the lower end of the plate to the solvent front was divided into 1 to 9 zones. A spot of ropivacaine on the plate was confirmed with UV lamp (253.7 nm). Authentic ropivacaine was detected in zone No. 5. Ropivacaine or the metabolite in each silica gel zone was scratched from the plate and 3H-radioactivity in the zone was measured with the liquid scintillation counter. The radioactivity in each zone as a percentage of the total radioactivity on the TLC plate was calculated.

Amounts of 3H-radioactivity measured in zone No. 5 after 1 hr were 23.0%, and more radioactivity was detected in zones No. 3 and No. 4 in the liver (No. 3 vs No. 5: p<0.01, No. 4 vs No. 5: p<0.01), 67.3% in the serum (No. 5 vs No. 6: p<0.01) and 63.0% in the urine (No. 5 vs No. 6: p<0.01). After 24 hr, more than 80% of the total radioactivity was detected in zones except zone No. 5.

Data are mean ± SD (n  =  4).

Article Category: Other
Volume/Issue: Volume 62: Issue 1
Online Publication Date: Mar 01, 2015
Page Range: 42 – 42

14TH INTERNATIONAL DENTAL CONGRESS ON ANESTHESIA, SEDATION AND PAIN CONTROL of the International Federation of Dental Anesthesia Societies will be held in BERLIN, GERMANY OCTOBER 8–10, 2015 For more information, see Call for Proposals to Amend the IFDAS Constitution The Secretary General of IFDAS is currently accepting proposals to amend the IFDAS Constitution. The IFDAS Constitution is available on the web at . Proposals will be placed on the agenda

Article Category: Other
Volume/Issue: Volume 62: Issue 2
Online Publication Date: Jun 01, 2015
Page Range: 85 – 85

14TH INTERNATIONAL DENTAL CONGRESS ON ANESTHESIA, SEDATION AND PAIN CONTROL of the International Federation of Dental Anesthesia Societies will be held in BERLIN, GERMANY OCTOBER 8–10, 2015 For more information, see Call for Proposals to Amend the IFDAS Constitution The Secretary General of IFDAS is currently accepting proposals to amend the IFDAS Constitution. The IFDAS Constitution is available on the web at . Proposals will be placed on the agenda