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Figure.; QTc Prolongation After IV Administration of Thiamylal (A) and During Emergence (B). Caption: (A) 1: One minute after IV administration of thiamylal (150 mg); 2: 2 minutes after IV administration of thiamylal (150 mg); 3: end of intubation. (B) 4: End of the operation; 5: extubation. Abbreviations: IV, intravenous; HR, heart rate; QTc, corrected QT; esCCO, estimated continuous cardiac output.
Mika Nishikawa,
 Kazumi Takaishi,
 Marina Takata,
 Osamu Sasajima,
 Shigeki Joseph Luke Fujiwara,
 Satoru Eguchi, and
 Shinji Kawahito

QTc Prolongation After IV Administration of Thiamylal (A) and During Emergence (B).

Caption: (A) 1: One minute after IV administration of thiamylal (150 mg); 2: 2 minutes after IV administration of thiamylal (150 mg); 3: end of intubation. (B) 4: End of the operation; 5: extubation.

Abbreviations: IV, intravenous; HR, heart rate; QTc, corrected QT; esCCO, estimated continuous cardiac output.

Pronounced QT Prolongation During General Anesthesia in a Child with Left Ventricular Noncompaction Cardiomyopathy: A Case Report
Mika Nishikawa DDS,
 Kazumi Takaishi DDS, PhD,
 Marina Takata DDS,
 Osamu Sasajima DDS,
 Shigeki Joseph Luke Fujiwara DDS, PhD,
 Satoru Eguchi DDS, PhD, and
 Shinji Kawahito MD, PhD
Article Category: Brief Report
Volume/Issue: Volume 70: Issue 3
Online Publication Date: Oct 18, 2023
DOI: 10.2344/anpr-70-02-12
Page Range: 137 – 139

brain natriuretic hormone level (47 pg/mL). An electrocardiogram obtained 1 month before surgery demonstrated prolongation of the corrected QT interval (QTc) of 529 ms using the Bazett formula (QTc = QT time/√RR interval) with flat or inverted T waves in all leads. He was suspected of having long-QT syndrome (LQTS) according to the diagnostic criteria (score: 3) of Schwartz and Crotti. 3 No major genetic abnormalities associated with LVNC were detected in his family, and the cause of the QT prolongation in this patient was not clear. However, it was reported that a

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Christopher Rochford DMD and
 R. David Seldin DMD, MPA, FACD
Article Category: Research Article
Volume/Issue: Volume 56: Issue 2
Online Publication Date: Jan 01, 2009
Page Range: 42 – 48

measured in seconds): 2 When analyzing QTc, one finds that the normal values for men and women are slightly different. This has been attributed to females' showing a slightly longer baseline QTc than men in clinical and animal trials. In general, it is accepted that a value of QTc greater than 0.440 seconds is considered prolonged; however, more specific values as they apply to LQTS have been identified (Table 1 ). 3 These values are based on corrections derived from Bazette's formula because this formula has been more widely used and

Njinkeng J. Nkemngu MD, PhD and
 Joel N. Tochie MD
Article Category: Case Report
Volume/Issue: Volume 65: Issue 3
Online Publication Date: Jan 01, 2018
Page Range: 187 – 191

glycopyrrolate for neuromuscular block reversal. Patient 2 was a previously healthy 21-year-old female who developed AV-dissociation following reversal, which the authors attributed to the ineffectiveness of glycopyrrolate to overcome a combination of cardiac conduction-depression provoked by the cumulative drug interaction due to combination of midazolam, fentanyl, propofol, ranitidine, and neostigmine. 2 Patient 3, a morbidly obese patient, developed second-degree AV-block and Q-Tc prolongation following reversal, which responded to atropine. Morbid obesity, female gender

Timothy M. Orr DMD and
 Daniel L. Orr II DDS, PhD, MD, JD
Article Category: Case Report
Volume/Issue: Volume 62: Issue 4
Online Publication Date: Jan 01, 2015
Page Range: 162 – 165

. Transferring the patient from the office to the ambulance consumed about 15 minutes, with an additional 15 minutes for transport to the emergency room. The dentist anesthesiologist continued to have primary responsibility for airway maintenance until the patient was accepted by emergency room personnel. At the hospital, initial laboratory testing, including a chemistry 8 panel and complete blood count, was obtained and soon interpreted as within normal limits. A 12-lead ECG showed no signs of ST segment elevation or depression, and only a minor QT(c) prolongation of

Regina A. E. Dowdy DDS, MS,
 Sarah Forgy DDS,
 Oussama Hefnawi DDS, and
 Tiffany A. Neimar DDS
Article Category: Other
Volume/Issue: Volume 70: Issue 3
Online Publication Date: Oct 18, 2023
Page Range: 142 – 153

generated by oxidation of its alcohol moiety to a carboxylic acid. 27 Hydroxyzine is relatively fast acting with an onset that occurs between 15 and 60 minutes and a duration of action between 4 to 6 hours. The sedative properties of hydroxyzine occur at the subcortical level of the CNS. 19 Hydroxyzine is reported to prolong the QT/QTc interval based on postmarketing reports of rare events of torsade de pointes, cardiac arrest, and sudden death and should be used with caution in patients with an increased baseline risk for QTc prolongation properties. 19

David B. Guthrie DMD,
 James P. Pezzollo DMD,
 David K. Lam MD, DDS, PhD, and
 Ralph H. Epstein DDS
Article Category: Case Report
Volume/Issue: Volume 67: Issue 3
Online Publication Date: Sep 29, 2020
Page Range: 151 – 157

branch block, QTc prolongation (513 ms), and occasional premature ventricular contractions. Her hyperlipidemia and gastroesophageal reflux disease were adequately controlled with oral medications. Her diabetes was well controlled with oral medications, with a preoperative HbA1c of 5.9. The patient experienced chronic dyspnea during mild-to-moderate exertion but denied previous use of supplemental oxygen. She had no history of smoking and was noncompliant with her home continuous positive airway pressure machine. The patient's medications at the time of

Michelle Wong DDS, MSc, EdD
Article Category: Research Article
Volume/Issue: Volume 69: Issue 1
Online Publication Date: Apr 04, 2022
Page Range: 49 – 58

laparoscopic surgery and rapidly stabilized following the administration of sugammadex. 29 In that case, the anaphylaxis was unresponsive to epinephrine, crystalloid fluids, and prolonged cardiopulmonary resuscitation. 29 Dysrhythmias.  A few reports of QTc interval prolongation, atrioventricular block, and even cardiac arrest after sugammadex exist. It is postulated that the maintenance anesthetic agents propofol or sevoflurane could have been contributory; however, the mechanism for this vagal effect is not yet fully understood