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Kanae KudoDDS, PhD,
Katsunori TanakaDDS, PhD,
Kimiharu AmbeDDS, PhD,
Hiroyoshi KawaaiDDS, PhD, and
Shinya YamazakiDDS, PhD
Article Category: Research Article
Volume/Issue: Volume 66: Issue 2
Online Publication Date: Jan 01, 2019
Page Range: 87 – 93
problems exist with the use of the normal human mandible for tissue specimens; therefore, the rat mandible was used in the present study, and the nerve distribution density was analyzed. The rat mandible has been frequently used as an experimental model imitating the human mandible for anatomical, histological, and surgical studies. In addition, it has been demonstrated as a highly reproducible ideal histologic model. 14 , 15 Therefore, the nerve distribution density in the human mandible can be analogized from these results to a certain degree
Kanae Kudo,
Katsunori Tanaka,
Kimiharu Ambe,
Hiroyoshi Kawaai, and
Shinya Yamazaki
Kanae Kudo,
Katsunori Tanaka,
Kimiharu Ambe,
Hiroyoshi Kawaai, and
Shinya Yamazaki
Kanae Kudo,
Katsunori Tanaka,
Kimiharu Ambe,
Hiroyoshi Kawaai, and
Shinya Yamazaki
Kanae Kudo,
Katsunori Tanaka,
Kimiharu Ambe,
Hiroyoshi Kawaai, and
Shinya Yamazaki
Mikiko Yamashiro,
Shuichi Hashimoto,
Asako Yasuda, and
Katsuhisa Sunada
Yukako Tsutsui and
Katsuhisa Sunada
Mikiko Yamashiro,
Shuichi Hashimoto,
Asako Yasuda, and
Katsuhisa Sunada