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Reliability and Validity of the Dental Anxiety Question Used With Children
Masahiro HeimaRDT, DDS, PhD and
Kelsey StehliDDS
Article Category: Research Article
Volume/Issue: Volume 69: Issue 3
Online Publication Date: Oct 06, 2022
Page Range: 13 – 19

–Dental Subscale (CFSS-DS), 10 has been adopted in many different languages with strong reliability and validity and is the most frequently used questionnaire in the world. 11 – 15 However, one of the main problems with the CFSS-DS is that it consists of multiple (currently 15) items. The best time to conduct dental fear screening is before exposing the patient to any dental equipment, ideally during the patient registration process. However, parents already complete several forms during registration, such as insurance, general health, and demographic information. Dentists

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Thomas ListDDS, Odont Dr,
Katerina MojirDDS,
Peter SvenssonDDS, PhD, Dr Odont, and
Maria PiggDDS, Odont Dr
Article Category: Other
Volume/Issue: Volume 61: Issue 4
Online Publication Date: Jan 01, 2014
Page Range: 135 – 144

underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms of pain generation requires knowledge of the nature of the somatosensory changes. The German Research Network on Neuropathic Pain recently addressed this issue in their presentation of a comprehensive quantitative sensory test (QST) protocol, which includes assessment of Aδ-, Aβ-, and C-fiber function as well as temporal pain summation (wind-up). This protocol was recently found to exhibit acceptable interexaminer and intraexaminer reliabilities of most QST measures in the orofacial region. 10 Standard deviations in subject response

Figure 1.; Flowchart of experimental design. Gel I and II are lidocaine 2% and placebo gel, and subjects were randomized to testing order (cross-over). Gel application time was 5 minutes. MPT indicates mechanical pain threshold; PPT, pressure pain threshold; MPS, mechanical pain sensitivity—self-report of pain and discomfort during pinprick stimulus; and NPS, needle penetration sensitivity—self-report of pain and discomfort during needle penetration of oral mucosa.
Thomas List,
Katerina Mojir,
Peter Svensson, and
Maria Pigg
Figure 1.
Figure 1.

Flowchart of experimental design. Gel I and II are lidocaine 2% and placebo gel, and subjects were randomized to testing order (cross-over). Gel application time was 5 minutes. MPT indicates mechanical pain threshold; PPT, pressure pain threshold; MPS, mechanical pain sensitivity—self-report of pain and discomfort during pinprick stimulus; and NPS, needle penetration sensitivity—self-report of pain and discomfort during needle penetration of oral mucosa.

Thomas List,
Katerina Mojir,
Peter Svensson, and
Maria Pigg
Figure 2.
Figure 2.

Mean values and standard deviations of the mechanical pain threshold (MPT; g) for lidocaine and placebo at the 0, and 10-, 20-, and 30-minute assessments (n = 29).

Thomas List,
Katerina Mojir,
Peter Svensson, and
Maria Pigg
Figure 3.
Figure 3.

Mean values and standard deviations of the pressure pain threshold (PPT; kPa) for lidocaine and placebo at the 0, and 10-, 20-, and 30-minute assessments (n = 29).

Thomas List,
Katerina Mojir,
Peter Svensson, and
Maria Pigg
Figure 4.
Figure 4.

Mean values and standard deviations of mechanical pain sensitivity (MPS; visual analog scale) for lidocaine and placebo at the 0, and 10-, 20-, and 30-minute assessments; (a) pain intensity and (b) discomfort (n = 29).

Thomas List,
Katerina Mojir,
Peter Svensson, and
Maria Pigg
Figure 5.
Figure 5.

Mean values and standard deviations of needle penetration sensitivity (NPS; visual analog scale) for lidocaine and placebo at the 0, and 10-, 20-, and 30-minute assessments; (a) pain intensity and (b) discomfort (n = 29).

Rose Maria JosephBDS,
Ashwin P. RaoMDS,
N. SrikantMDS,
Y. M. KarunaMDS, and
P. Anupama NayakMDS
Article Category: Research Article
Volume/Issue: Volume 66: Issue 4
Online Publication Date: Jan 01, 2019
Page Range: 221 – 226

observations. The interobserver reliability was calculated to assess the consistency in the FLACC scoring assessments. Table 1 Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability (FLACC) Scale 9 * Statistical Analysis IBM SPSS 20.0 software was used for statistical analysis. Assessment of the correlation between age or gender with the FLACC scores during the first stage injections between the 2 groups was done using

Article Category: Other
Volume/Issue: Volume 61: Issue 4
Online Publication Date: Dec 01, 2014
Page Range: 184 – 184

management, 18 Pressure pain threshold, 135 Reliability, 135 Restorative dentistry, 11 Sedation, 3, 164 Supraglottic airway device, 145 Supraglottic airways, 113 Surgical fire, 21 Third molars, 3 Tooth, 111 Topical anesthesia, 135 Tourniquet, 111 Validity, 135 Ventilation, 78, 113, 162

Marianne M. SheroanDMD, MS, MS,
Diane C. DilleyDDS,
Warner J. LucasDDS, MD, and
William F. VannDMD, PhD
Article Category: Research Article
Volume/Issue: Volume 53: Issue 3
Online Publication Date: Jan 01, 2006
Page Range: 83 – 90

vitals returned to normal. Data Analysis As previously stated, 5 tapes of typical sedation appointments were viewed 3 times to evaluate the reliability of the behavior rater. For calibration and intraexaminer reliability determinations, the sedation appointment was not divided into discrete time blocks. Calibration sessions occurred at the beginning of the study, after viewing half of the tapes, and at the study's conclusion. The time each patient spent exhibiting 1 of the 4 behavior types was converted into percentages