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Management of Patients With Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices in Dental, Oral, and Maxillofacial Surgery
James TomDDS, MS
Article Category: Research Article
Volume/Issue: Volume 63: Issue 2
Online Publication Date: Jan 01, 2016
DOI: 10.2344/0003-3006-63.2.95
Page Range: 95 – 104

with pacer “spike.” A universally adopted classification system developed by the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (NASPE) Group and the British Pacing and Electrophysiology (BPE) Group use a 5-position letter arrangement to describe pacemaker function. This NASPE/BPE Generic (NBG) code is described in the Table . The first 3 positions describe (a) the chamber location paced, (b) the sensing location of the leads, and (c) the response to those lead inputs. The fourth position describes the programmability of the

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; Figure 5. Cardiovascular effects of epinephrine and phenylephrine. Epinephrine increases heart rate (HR) by activating beta-1 receptors in the sinoatrial node, the heart's normal pacemaker. It also activates beta-1 receptors on myocardial cells, increasing their contractility and increasing systolic blood pressure (SBP). However, at low doses such as those provided in local anesthetic formulations, it activates beta-2 receptors on systemic arteries, producing vasodilation. This decline in arterial resistance produces a reduction in diastolic pressure (DBP). The sum of these effects results in little change of mean arterial pressure (MAP). In contrast, phenylephrine activates only alpha receptors, increasing arterial resistance and diastolic pressure. Systolic pressure also rises as the heart compensates for this increase in resistance by increasing its contractility and venoconstriction increases venous return (preload). The net effect is an increase in mean arterial pressure, which is sensed in baroreceptors, and a reflex slowing of heart rate supervenes. (Adapted from Westfall et al.11)
Daniel E. Becker

Figure 5. Cardiovascular effects of epinephrine and phenylephrine. Epinephrine increases heart rate (HR) by activating beta-1 receptors in the sinoatrial node, the heart's normal pacemaker. It also activates beta-1 receptors on myocardial cells, increasing their contractility and increasing systolic blood pressure (SBP). However, at low doses such as those provided in local anesthetic formulations, it activates beta-2 receptors on systemic arteries, producing vasodilation. This decline in arterial resistance produces a reduction in diastolic pressure (DBP). The sum of these effects results in little change of mean arterial pressure (MAP). In contrast, phenylephrine activates only alpha receptors, increasing arterial resistance and diastolic pressure. Systolic pressure also rises as the heart compensates for this increase in resistance by increasing its contractility and venoconstriction increases venous return (preload). The net effect is an increase in mean arterial pressure, which is sensed in baroreceptors, and a reflex slowing of heart rate supervenes. (Adapted from Westfall et al.11)

Figure 2.; Epinephrine‐beta blocker interaction. In this illustration the following cardiovascular changes follow the administration of epinephrine in a dosage of 10 µg/min. (A) First, it is essential to understand the precise cardiovascular influences of epinephrine in a normal (control) patient. The cardiotonic effects of epinephrine are most familiar. It activates beta‐1 receptors on the sinoatrial node to increase heart rate (HR) and also activates beta‐1 receptors on myocardial cells increasing their force of contraction. This provides an increase in systolic blood pressure (SBP). In addition to its cardiotonic effects, epinephrine has the ability to activate both alpha and beta‐2 receptors on blood vessels producing constriction or dilation, respectively. Epinephrine is commonly viewed only as a vasoconstrictor by many clinicians because this is the effect it produces when injected subcutaneously or submucosally. This is because the tiny vessels found in these locations contain only alpha receptors and are constricted by epinephrine. In contrast, larger systemic arteries that determine vascular resistance and diastolic blood pressure contain both alpha and beta‐2 receptors, with the latter most prevalent. Following absorption, low doses of epinephrine found in local anesthetic formulations (eg, 20–100 µg) preferentially activate beta‐2 receptors which dilate the arteries, and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) actually declines. (B) In the presence of a nonselective beta blocker (eg, propranolol) the cardiovascular influences of epinephrine are strikingly different. This is primarily due to the blockade of beta‐2 receptors on systemic arteries. Epinephrine will now activate the remaining alpha receptors leading to vasoconstriction and an increase in diastolic blood pressure. To meet this increase in resistance, intrinsic mechanisms within myocardial cells respond with greater force and elevate systolic blood pressure as well. Together this will increase mean arterial pressure (MAP). The sudden elevation in MAP is sensed by baroreceptors within the carotid sinuses triggering a reflex slowing in heart rate, which is further accentuated by the fact that the beta‐1 receptors in the sinoatrial node are blocked.
Daniel E Becker
Figure 2.
Figure 2.

Epinephrine‐beta blocker interaction. In this illustration the following cardiovascular changes follow the administration of epinephrine in a dosage of 10 µg/min. (A) First, it is essential to understand the precise cardiovascular influences of epinephrine in a normal (control) patient. The cardiotonic effects of epinephrine are most familiar. It activates beta‐1 receptors on the sinoatrial node to increase heart rate (HR) and also activates beta‐1 receptors on myocardial cells increasing their force of contraction. This provides an increase in systolic blood pressure (SBP). In addition to its cardiotonic effects, epinephrine has the ability to activate both alpha and beta‐2 receptors on blood vessels producing constriction or dilation, respectively. Epinephrine is commonly viewed only as a vasoconstrictor by many clinicians because this is the effect it produces when injected subcutaneously or submucosally. This is because the tiny vessels found in these locations contain only alpha receptors and are constricted by epinephrine. In contrast, larger systemic arteries that determine vascular resistance and diastolic blood pressure contain both alpha and beta‐2 receptors, with the latter most prevalent. Following absorption, low doses of epinephrine found in local anesthetic formulations (eg, 20–100 µg) preferentially activate beta‐2 receptors which dilate the arteries, and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) actually declines. (B) In the presence of a nonselective beta blocker (eg, propranolol) the cardiovascular influences of epinephrine are strikingly different. This is primarily due to the blockade of beta‐2 receptors on systemic arteries. Epinephrine will now activate the remaining alpha receptors leading to vasoconstriction and an increase in diastolic blood pressure. To meet this increase in resistance, intrinsic mechanisms within myocardial cells respond with greater force and elevate systolic blood pressure as well. Together this will increase mean arterial pressure (MAP). The sudden elevation in MAP is sensed by baroreceptors within the carotid sinuses triggering a reflex slowing in heart rate, which is further accentuated by the fact that the beta‐1 receptors in the sinoatrial node are blocked.

James Tom
<bold>Figure 1.</bold>
Figure 1.

Paced rhythm with pacer “spike.”

James Tom
<bold>Figure 2.</bold>
Figure 2.

Medtronic MRI-compitable pacemaker.

James Tom
<bold>Figure 3.</bold>
Figure 3.

Typical ICD and right atrial and right ventricular lead placement.

James Tom
<bold>Figure 4.</bold>
Figure 4.

Typical 90-gauss “doughnut” magnet.

Article Category: Other
Volume/Issue: Volume 63: Issue 4
Online Publication Date: Jan 01, 2016
Page Range: 218 – 218

alveolar nerve block, 3 Prediabetes, 208 Preinjection, 55 Propofol, 67, 80, 116, 147, 175, 185 Rabbit, 17 Radiographs, 95 Recovery profile, 175 Refrigerant, 55 Remifentanil, 116 Ropivacaine, 71 Salivary secretion, 185 Sedation, 67 Sensing, 95 Sevoflurane, 42, 175 Sex, 67 Solubility, 42 Tachyarrhythmias, 95 Takayasu arteritis, 31 Tetany, 25 Tooth extraction, 156 Topical agents, 55 Type 2 diabetes, 208

Robert C. BosackDDS
Article Category: Research Article
Volume/Issue: Volume 71: Issue 2
Online Publication Date: Jul 08, 2024
Page Range: 106 – 106

may have indirectly saved are not even aware of his existence. But Stu persevered without hesitation or reward for he knew safety was the greatest legacy he could leave behind for others to follow. He was selfless, forever inclusive, and endlessly supportive of his countless friends and colleagues. When you looked at Stu (and this was his secret sauce), it was impossible to tell if he was working or playing, and only in this sense can one appreciate the essence of his beautiful life—a true master in the art of living. Stu drew no distinction between labor and

Nikolaos DabarakisDDS, PhD,
Anastasios TsirlisDDS, PhD,
Nikolaos ParisisDDS, PhD, and
Dimitrios TsoukalasDDS, PhD
Article Category: Research Article
Volume/Issue: Volume 53: Issue 3
Online Publication Date: Jan 01, 2006
Page Range: 91 – 94

°C) the anesthesia seemed more concentrated at the site of injection than during the first appointment (20°C). The subjects also mentioned that in the second appointment the drug-injection phase was somewhat more painful than in the first appointment and that they sensed a faster onset of anesthesia. However, the subjects did not report any significant difference in pain experienced after the completion of the second anesthetic procedure. DISCUSSION On the basis of studies suggesting that local anesthetic potency is increased at low