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Basic and Clinical Pharmacology of Autonomic Drugs
Daniel E. BeckerDDS
Article Category: Other
Volume/Issue: Volume 59: Issue 4
Online Publication Date: Jan 01, 2012
DOI: 10.2344/0003-3006-59.4.159
Page Range: 159 – 169

The extent to which autonomic pharmacology impacts clinical practice is often unappreciated. Drugs that imitate and inhibit autonomic nerves are used extensively in medicine for managing cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary tract, and gastrointestinal disorders. In dental practice, the use of autonomic drugs is more limited, but sympathomimetics are used extensively as vasoconstrictors to potentiate local anesthetics, and the cholinergic agonists and antagonists are used to influence salivation. Equally important, however, is that side

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; Figure 1. Origin and distribution of somatic and autonomic nerves.1,2 Somatic (voluntary) neurons exit all levels of the brain and spinal cord (CNS). They release acetylcholine (ACh) to activate nicotinic receptors (Nm) on skeletal muscle. Preganglionic parasympathetic neurons exit the brain and sacral spinal cord, where they synapse with ganglia near or within smooth muscle and heart. Here ACh is released and activates nicotinic receptors (Nn) on postganglionic neurons. These neurons also release ACh to activate muscarinic receptors (M) on the target tissues. Preganglionic sympathetic neurons exit the thoracic and lumbar levels (thoracolumbar) of the spinal cord and synapse with ganglia near the cord and, like the preganglionic parasympathetic fibers, release ACh to activate Nn receptors on postganglionic neurons. The most abundant of these distribute to smooth muscle and heart where they release norepinephrine (NE) to activate alpha and beta receptors (α, β). The adrenal medulla is functionally a postganglionic neuron that secrets mostly epinephrine (∼80% epinephrine and 20% norepinephrine), which arrives at the target tissues via the circulation. Also noteworthy is that some postganglionic sympathetic fibers distribute to sweat glands and release ACh where it activates muscarinic receptors (M).
Daniel E. Becker

Figure 1. Origin and distribution of somatic and autonomic nerves.1,2 Somatic (voluntary) neurons exit all levels of the brain and spinal cord (CNS). They release acetylcholine (ACh) to activate nicotinic receptors (Nm) on skeletal muscle. Preganglionic parasympathetic neurons exit the brain and sacral spinal cord, where they synapse with ganglia near or within smooth muscle and heart. Here ACh is released and activates nicotinic receptors (Nn) on postganglionic neurons. These neurons also release ACh to activate muscarinic receptors (M) on the target tissues. Preganglionic sympathetic neurons exit the thoracic and lumbar levels (thoracolumbar) of the spinal cord and synapse with ganglia near the cord and, like the preganglionic parasympathetic fibers, release ACh to activate Nn receptors on postganglionic neurons. The most abundant of these distribute to smooth muscle and heart where they release norepinephrine (NE) to activate alpha and beta receptors (α, β). The adrenal medulla is functionally a postganglionic neuron that secrets mostly epinephrine (∼80% epinephrine and 20% norepinephrine), which arrives at the target tissues via the circulation. Also noteworthy is that some postganglionic sympathetic fibers distribute to sweat glands and release ACh where it activates muscarinic receptors (M).

Daniel E. Becker

Figure 2. Postganglionic parasympathetic synapse. A nerve impulse triggers release of acetylcholine (ACh), which subsequently binds to muscarinic receptors and initiates the parasympathetic response. Acetylcholine unbound in the synapse is hydrolyzed instantaneously by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE) to acetate (A) and choline (Ch). Muscarinic receptors (M) are also located on the nerve endings themselves and are referred to as prejunctional receptors. When activated by ACh, further release of the neurotransmitter is inhibited, providing a so-called negative-feedback loop.

Daniel E. Becker

Figure 3. The adrenergic synapse. The nerve impulse releases norepinephrine (NE), which binds to specific adrenergic receptors on the cell membranes of target tissue. (α1, β1, β2). The neuronal endings contain α2 prejunctional receptors. When activated by NE, further release of the neurotransmitter is inhibited. Adrenergic ligands also arrive at the synapse via the circulatory system. These include epinephrine (E) and norepinephrine (NE) secreted by the adrenal medulla or adrenergic drugs (D). The termination of norepinephrine (NE) is due primarily to reuptake into the nerve ending. Epinephrine (E) from the adrenal medulla and adrenergic drugs (D) are metabolized by monoamine oxidase (MAO) and catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) in local tissues or the liver following absorption. (See text for further explanation.)

Daniel E. Becker

Figure 4. Catecholamine synthesis. The molecular structure of catecholamines includes a catechol and an amine. During their termination, each of these moieties is a target for a specific enzyme, ie, catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) and monoamine oxidase (MAO). Catecholamine synthesis proceeds in a stepwise fashion, each step driven by a specific enzyme leading to a molecular change indicated by the asterisks. In the adrenal medulla the final step in the pathway results in the synthesis of epinephrine. Sympathetic neurons do not contain the methylating enzyme and therefore cannot synthesize epinephrine. All 3 neurotransmitters are found throughout the brain, but neurons within the basal ganglia release dopamine because they lack dopamine hydroxylase.

Daniel E. Becker

Figure 5. Cardiovascular effects of epinephrine and phenylephrine. Epinephrine increases heart rate (HR) by activating beta-1 receptors in the sinoatrial node, the heart's normal pacemaker. It also activates beta-1 receptors on myocardial cells, increasing their contractility and increasing systolic blood pressure (SBP). However, at low doses such as those provided in local anesthetic formulations, it activates beta-2 receptors on systemic arteries, producing vasodilation. This decline in arterial resistance produces a reduction in diastolic pressure (DBP). The sum of these effects results in little change of mean arterial pressure (MAP). In contrast, phenylephrine activates only alpha receptors, increasing arterial resistance and diastolic pressure. Systolic pressure also rises as the heart compensates for this increase in resistance by increasing its contractility and venoconstriction increases venous return (preload). The net effect is an increase in mean arterial pressure, which is sensed in baroreceptors, and a reflex slowing of heart rate supervenes. (Adapted from Westfall et al.11)

Asako EriguchiDDS, PhD,
Nobuyuki MatsuuraDDS, PhD,
Yoshihiko KoukitaDDS, PhD, and
Tatsuya IchinoheDDS, PhD
Article Category: Research Article
Volume/Issue: Volume 68: Issue 1
Online Publication Date: Apr 07, 2021
Page Range: 10 – 18

During oral surgery under general anesthesia, local anesthetics containing epinephrine are frequently used to reduce general anesthetic requirements and bleeding from the surgical field. 1 Epinephrine is a sympathomimetic catecholamine that directly stimulates both postsynaptic alpha and beta adrenoreceptors, generally leading to cardiovascular stimulation manifested as increases in heart rate (HR) and blood pressure. Additionally, exogenous epinephrine has been reported to stimulate the sympathetic nervous system by enhancing the secretion

Article Category: Other
Volume/Issue: Volume 59: Issue 4
Online Publication Date: Dec 01, 2012
Page Range: 172 – 172

Sympathomimetics, 159 Techniques, 127 TIVA, 107 Vibrating-mesh, 123 Volatile anesthetics, 154 Warming, 127

Yukie NittaDDS, PhD,
Nobuhito KamekuraDDS, PhD,
Shigeru TakumaDDS, PhD, and
Toshiaki FujisawaDDS, PhD
Article Category: Other
Volume/Issue: Volume 61: Issue 4
Online Publication Date: Jan 01, 2014
Page Range: 162 – 164

not occur, and the patient was kept in a supine position during anesthesia. Another important factor affecting intraocular hypertension is mydriasis. Mydriasis causes the normally open anterior chamber angle to close and increases intraocular pressure. Deep anesthesia induced by anesthetics at concentrations higher than that of clinical use, postoperative care in a darkened room, psychological stress, and parasympatholytic drugs (such as atropine and scopolamine) or sympathomimetic drugs (such as phenylephrine and ephedrine) have been associated with

Mana SaraghiDMD,
Leonard R. GoldenMD, and
Elliot V. HershDMD, MS, PhD
Article Category: Other
Volume/Issue: Volume 64: Issue 4
Online Publication Date: Jan 01, 2017
Page Range: 253 – 261

withdrawal symptoms such as hyperarousal, irritability, insomnia, flulike symptoms, nausea, myalgias, paresthesias, dizziness, and visual disturbances. 6 If an overdose of SSRIs occurs, it is rarely fatal, and serotonin syndrome (discussed in part II) may occur. 6 , 15 SSRIs are usually continued during the perioperative period and do not have the same hemodynamic concerns as TCAs, SNRIs, or MAOIs with respect to the concomitant use of direct- or indirect-acting sympathomimetics. 7 Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors The SNRIs