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Figure 1. ; Using infrared thermography, the changes in the surface temperatures of the tracheal tube between the tip and 15 cm from the proximal end are measured following dipping into 60°C water for 3 minutes. Infrared thermographs show the changes in the surface temperature after 5 minutes of the Mallinckrodt Nasal RAE Tube (a) and the Portex North Polar Preformed Tube (b) after withdrawing the tube from 60°C water. Color bars represent the temperature scale ranging from 20 to 60°C.
Yoshihiro Takasugi,
Koichi Futagawa,
Takashi Umeda,
Kouhei Kazuhara, and
Satoshi Morishita
<bold>Figure 1.</bold>
Figure 1.

Using infrared thermography, the changes in the surface temperatures of the tracheal tube between the tip and 15 cm from the proximal end are measured following dipping into 60°C water for 3 minutes. Infrared thermographs show the changes in the surface temperature after 5 minutes of the Mallinckrodt Nasal RAE Tube (a) and the Portex North Polar Preformed Tube (b) after withdrawing the tube from 60°C water. Color bars represent the temperature scale ranging from 20 to 60°C.

Yoshihiro Takasugi,
Koichi Futagawa,
Takashi Umeda,
Kouhei Kazuhara, and
Satoshi Morishita
<bold>Figure 2.</bold>
Figure 2.

Dots indicate the mean surface temperature between the tip and 15 cm from the distal end measured by infrared thermography (n = 5). Each polygonal line shows the sequential values of the surface temperatures of the tubes at 30-second intervals for 5 minutes after withdrawing the tube from 45 or 60°C water. (a) Mallinckrodt Nasal RAE Endotracheal Tube; (b) Ivory PVC Portex North Polar Preformed Endotracheal Tube.

Thermophysical Properties of Thermosoftening Nasotracheal Tubes
Yoshihiro TakasugiDDS, PhD,
Koichi FutagawaMD, PhD,
Takashi UmedaPhD,
Kouhei KazuharaME, and
Satoshi MorishitaMS
Article Category: Research Article
Volume/Issue: Volume 65: Issue 2
Online Publication Date: Jan 01, 2018
Page Range: 100 – 105

used. The portion of the NTT between the tip and 10 cm from the proximal end of the tube was dipped for 3 minutes in bottled water at 45 or 60°C (the upper heatproof temperature of the PVC NTTs is 60°C based on reference material provided by the manufacturers) and then left at room temperature (22–25°C) for 5 minutes. Changes in the surface temperature of the NTTs between the tip and 15 cm from the distal end were measured by infrared thermography using an infrared thermal camera (Thermo Shot F30, Nippon Avionics Co Ltd, Tokyo, Japan

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Yoshihiro Takasugi,
Koichi Futagawa,
Takashi Umeda,
Kouhei Kazuhara, and
Satoshi Morishita
<bold>Figure 3.</bold>
Figure 3.

The pressure force for a 1-mm reduction of the minor axis of the tracheal tube was used as the index of hardness of the tube. Blue circles and orange circles indicate Mallinckrodt Nasal RAE Endotracheal Tube and Ivory PVC Portex North Polar Preformed Endotracheal Tube, respectively. Dots and error bars indicate the means and SDs. n = 5; ** p < 0.01 versus hardness at 25°C (Bonferroni's Multiple Comparison Test).