Author Instructions
Anesthesia Progress is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal of pain and anxiety control in dentistry.
The journal invites submissions of review articles, reports on clinical techniques, case reports, conference summaries, and articles of opinion pertinent to the control of pain and anxiety in dentistry. Articles are considered for publication with the understanding that they have not been previously published and that they are not being submitted to another journal. Authors are responsible for all statements made in the article and the veracity of the references cited. All manuscripts will be submitted for peer-review to the editor, who will assign it to a selected member of the Editorial Review Board, and independent outside review.
Membership in the American Dental Society of Anesthesiology is not a prerequisite for submission.
Click here for submission guidelines.
To submit or revise a new manuscript on our PeerTrack site, please click here
Authors: download the Copyright Assignment and Author Disclosure Form.
Journal of Oral Implantology follows the authorship criteria of the ICMJE. To be an author of a manuscript you should fulfil all ICMJE criteria.
Any addition or removal of authors after initial submission at any subsequent revision needs to be requested in writing and approved by all coauthors. Please follow the instructions on the Authorship Change Form to describe the change(s) made and to collect coauthor signatures.
Publications Charges
- Page charges - There are no page charges for Anesthesia Progress. However, authors may be charged for excessive corrections in their proofs; see "Correction charges" below.
- Open access - Charges to make articles open access are $1,500 for ADSA members and $2000 nonmembers. Journal articles are posted open access on the Anesthesia Progress website ( only. Articles published open access in Anesthesia Progress will be published under a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND license, which means the article may be reused with proper attribution for noncommercial use. Any remix or transformed version of the content may not be distributed.
- Color charges - There is no cost to authors for color figures, graphs or tables in Anesthesia Progress, either in print or online.
- Correction charges - Authors are allowed to make up to five corrections in their page proofs. If an author makes more than five corrections, they will be charged $5.00 per correction. This may include changes resulting from a copy editor's query.
Proofs and Reprints
PDF proofs will be sent to the corresponding author, who should send corrections as soon as the PDF is received.
PDFs of the final published article are available to the corresponding author upon request.
Correspondence and editorial inquiries should be addressed to:
Kyle J. Kramer, DDS, MS
Editor-in-Chief, Anesthesia Progress
Clinical Associate Professor of Dental Anesthesiology
Indiana University School of Dentistry Department of Oral Surgery and Hospital Dentistry
550 University Blvd, UH3195
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Editing & Translation Services
American Journal Experts has subject-expert editors who will check your manuscripts for spelling mistakes, grammar, punctuation, misplaced modifiers, changes in tense, problems in parallelisms, and use of inappropriate language. In addition, they will make sure that your text sounds natural and your sentences are well constructed.
Contributors to Anesthesia Progress can receive a 10% discount on AJE's services by visiting the following link and registering for an account: Other editing and translation services are available and Anesthesia Progress receives no monetary benefit from AJE or any other similar entity. Use of this service does not guarantee publication of a submission.
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
Anesthesia Progress is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and adheres to their principles outlined here.
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