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Annie HuangDMD and
Thomas TanbonliongDDS
Article Category: Research Article
Volume/Issue: Volume 62: Issue 3
Online Publication Date: Jan 01, 2015
Page Range: 91 – 99
combinations of a narcotic (eg, morphine or meperidine), a sedative-hypnotic (eg, chloral hydrate), a benzodiazepine (eg, midazolam or diazepam), and/or an antihistamine (eg, hydroxyzine HCl) ( Figure 1 ) at the following dosages: 0.66 mg/kg for morphine, 2 mg /kg for meperidine, 0.5–0.7 mg/kg for midazolam, 0.5–.7 mg/kg for diazepam, and 2 mg/kg for hydroxyzine HCl.
Figure 1.
Distribution of oral sedation regimens.
Figure 1. Distribution of oral sedation regimens.
Following the
Mana Saraghi,
Leonard Golden, and
Elliot V. Hersh
Annie Huang and
Thomas Tanbonliong
Figure 2.
Annie Huang and
Thomas Tanbonliong
Figure 3.
Annie Huang and
Thomas Tanbonliong
Figure 4.
Annie Huang and
Thomas Tanbonliong
Figure 5.