Distribution and concentration of lidocaine in the maxilla.
After 20 µl of 2% 14C-lidocaine was injected into the right palatal mucosa proximal to the first molar of the rat with (•) and without (○) 10 µg/ml adrenaline, the radioactivity in (A) right palatal mucosa, (B) left palatal mucosa, (C) right maxillary part, (D) left maxillary part, (E) right incisive part, (F) left incisive part, (G) right palatal part, (H) left palatal part, (I) right maxillary nerve, and (J) left maxillary nerve was measured with a liquid scintillation counter. Concentration (ng/mg wet weight) of lidocaine was calculated from the specific radioactivity.
Data are mean ± SD (n = 5), * p<0.05 vs plain lidocaine.