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The placement of endotracheal tubes in the airway, particularly through the nose, can cause trauma. Their design might be an important etiologic factor, but they have changed little since their introduction. Recently Parker Medical (Bridgewater, Conn ) introduced the Parker Flex-Tip (PFT) tube, suggesting that it causes less trauma. This study aimed to compare the PFT endotracheal tube to a side-beveled, standard-tip endotracheal tube (ETT) for nasotracheal intubation (Figures 1 and 2). Forty consecutive oral surgery patients requiring nasotracheal intubation were randomized to receive either a standard ETT or the PFT tube. Intubations were recorded using a fiber-optic camera positioned proximal to the Murphy eye of the tube. This allowed visualization of the path and action of the tube tip as it traversed the nasal, pharyngeal, laryngeal, and tracheal airway regions. Video recordings made during intubation and extubation were evaluated for bleeding, trauma, and intubation time. Both bleeding and trauma were recorded using a visual analogue scale (VAS) and by 3 different evaluators. The PFT received significantly better VAS values than the standard tubes from all 3 raters (P < 0.05) in both the extent of trauma and bleeding. Since the intubations were purposefully conducted slowly for photographic reasons, neither tube displayed a time advantage. This study suggests that the PFT tube design may be safer by causing less trauma and bleeding than standard tube designs for nasotracheal intubation.

Keywords: Nasotracheal intubation; Parker Flex-Tip tube; Endotracheal intubation; Endotracheal tube; Fiber-optic intubation
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Copyright: 2010 by the American Dental Society of Anesthesiology

A Review of Current Literature of Interest to the Office-Based Anesthesiologist

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Perioperative Management of a Patient With Idiopathic Pulmonary Hypertension and a History of Syncope: A Case Report

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 Kazuma Fujikake MD, PhD;,
 Motoshi Tanaka MD;,
 Yuji Kamimura MD, PhD;,
 Haruko Ota MD, PhD;,
 Tomomi Mizutani DDS,
 Kenichiro Ishibashi DDS, PhD;,
 Yasuyuki Shibuya DDS, PhD;, and
 Kazuya Sobue MD, PhD

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Takuro Sanuki DDS, PhD,
 Shota Tsukimoto DDS, PhD,
 Hidetaka Kuroda DDS, PhD,
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General Anesthetic Management of a Patient With Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia Congenita Undergoing Palatoplasty Revision

Hiroka Hattori DDS,
 Aiji Sato (Boku) DDS, PhD,
 Mayuko Kanazawa DDS, PhD,
 Erika Harada DDS,
 Mami Asai DDS,
 Yuko Shikama DDS,
 Hiroko Kobayashi DDS,
 Makoto Hirohata DDS,
 Naoko Tachi DDS, PhD, and
 Masahiro Okuda MD, PhD

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Article Contents

Perioperative Management of a Patient With Idiopathic Pulmonary Hypertension and a History of Syncope: A Case Report

Aiji Sato (Boku) DDS, PhD;,
 MinHye So MD, PhD;,
 Kazuma Fujikake MD, PhD;,
 Motoshi Tanaka MD;,
 Yuji Kamimura MD, PhD;,
 Haruko Ota MD, PhD;,
 Tomomi Mizutani DDS,
 Kenichiro Ishibashi DDS, PhD;,
 Yasuyuki Shibuya DDS, PhD;, and
 Kazuya Sobue MD, PhD

How Safe Is Anesthesia Management by Dentist Anesthesiologists? The Need for an International Collaborative Study on the Safety of Anesthesia Management by Dentist Anesthesiologists

Takuro Sanuki DDS, PhD,
 Shota Tsukimoto DDS, PhD,
 Hidetaka Kuroda DDS, PhD,
 Uno Imaizumi DDS, PhD, and
 Naotaka Kishimoto DDS, PhD

General Anesthetic Management of a Patient With Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia Congenita Undergoing Palatoplasty Revision

Hiroka Hattori DDS,
 Aiji Sato (Boku) DDS, PhD,
 Mayuko Kanazawa DDS, PhD,
 Erika Harada DDS,
 Mami Asai DDS,
 Yuko Shikama DDS,
 Hiroko Kobayashi DDS,
 Makoto Hirohata DDS,
 Naoko Tachi DDS, PhD, and
 Masahiro Okuda MD, PhD
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eISSN: 1878-7177

ISSN: 0003-3006

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