Nasal intubation is often required during oral surgery; however, nasal intubation can cause various complications including bleeding associated with nasal mucosal trauma during intubation and obstruction of the endotracheal tube. Two days before surgery, a nasal septal perforation was identified using computed tomography during a preoperative otorhinolaryngology consultation for a patient planned to undergo a nasally intubated general anesthetic. Subsequently, nasotracheal intubation was successfully performed after confirming the size and location of the nasal septal perforation. We used a flexible fiber optic bronchoscope to safely perform the nasal intubation while assessing for inadvertent migration of the endotracheal tube or soft-tissue damage around the perforation site. Careful preoperative planning in cooperation with the otorhinolaryngology department and use of computed tomography is recommended when a nasal abnormality is suspected.
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eISSN: 1878-7177
ISSN: 0003-3006