The Temporo-Masseteric Nerve Block (TMNB) for Alleviating Acute Postextraction Masticatory Myalgia: A Case Series
This case series describes the ability of the temporo-masseteric nerve block (TMNB) to expeditiously relieve acute postextraction myogenous pain of masseteric or temporalis origin. In addition, the TMNB injection technique is also briefly reviewed. Briefly, 4 patients with no baseline temporalis or masseter muscle pain developed severe masseteric/temporalis pain during the first postoperative week on the side(s) of their dental extraction(s). The pain was accompanied by trismus. Both the pain and limitation in mouth opening were relieved by the TMNB injection, and symptom alleviation persisted beyond the brief duration of action of the administered local anesthetic. In conclusion, the TMNB injection can potentially serve as a valuable nonopioid adjunct to manage acute postextraction pain of masseteric or temporalis origin. It may be important to delineate acute myogenous postextraction pain from surgical site pain to optimize postoperative pain management and best alleviate trismus. Systematic validation of the TMNB’s utility in postextraction pain management is warranted.

Patient Positioning and the TMNB Entry Point and Direction
(a) Target site for the TMNB injection. The puncture point (X) is 1 cm above the zygomatic arch and 1 cm behind the frontal process of the orbit. (b) Orientation of the needle. The needle is 35–45° away from the temporal bone and 90° to the zygomatic arch. (c) Full insertion of the needle. (Reproduced from original publication by same authors in the journal Anesthesia Progress).2

Targets of the TMNB
The TMNB targets the temporalis and masseteric branches of the mandibular nerve (V3) as they diverge to innervate these muscles.1

Preoperative Panoramic Radiograph for Case 1
The yellow oval indicates the left mandibular third molar (#17) planned for extraction.

Preoperative Panoramic Radiograph for Case 3
The patient underwent extraction of remaining teeth and failed implants.
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